An extensive expertise across the entire health landscape.

Leveraging our experience in healthcare content creation, we've built a heritage serving diverse clients, spanning health research, prevention, diagnostics, and treatment. Our deep expertise ensures quick project understanding and fresh perspectives from the outset. We offer healthcare marketing services to a wide array of companies, from multinationals to universities, startups or scale-ups, assisting businesses at various growth stages.

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Making complex science

insightful and comprehensible

Our healthcare content specialists love to delve into your innovations. Our core value is grounded in the necessity to genuinely understand the science behind solutions. This helps us tell more interesting stories that connect with different people.  Once we have grasped the true essence we harness imagination to craft our insights into visually unique healthcare stories, that manifest as 3D medical animations, medical infographics, or scientific illustrations.  All aimed at capturing attention, especially in an era of fleeting focus.

Transform complex science

Using authentic storytelling

to build lasting trust

We believe in the simple power of authentic stories. Whether it's through brand storytelling, healthcare campaigns, or patient testimonials, we ensure authenticity is at the forefront. People connect more with authentic content than with what's merely polished. We're committed to giving voice to true experiences, ensuring that our narratives ring true across various forms. Our humble goal? To craft authentic stories that genuinely resonate with your audience.

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Where some see boring, we see beautiful.

We're thrilled when our work outshines our wildest imagination. As humans are inherently visual creatures, unique imagery captivates attention. We're passionate about converting complex scientific data into captivating and enlightening visuals. Imagination doesn't just propel science forward; it also sets you apart in a marketplace flooded with content.

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Crafting unique healthcare brands, campaigns and experiences 

Shaping your business goals into smart communication strategies, imaginative ideas and unique healthcare content that captivate and incite audiences to action. Using our imagination to connect the dots that others miss, we'll help you exceed your business expectations.


Brand research
Brand strategy
Brand storytelling
Brand identity
Branded content
Employer branding


Product launch
Social media marketing
Omni-channel campaigns
Content marketing
Corporate communications
Recruitment campaigns


Brand experience
Event marketing
Gamification marketing
Virtual reality marketing
Interactive website
Point of sales marketing


Serving the healthcare industry

for over 20 years


Shaping the future
of Healthcare marketing

Sakura SmartConnect – welcome S.A.R.A.

Sakura introduces the SmartConnect "Cobolt" arm, advancing histopathology automation to enhance lab efficiency. Amid pandemic challenges, the campaign introduced S.A.R.A. (Sakura's Autonomous Robotic Assistant) to humanize technology. This strategy balances innovation with personal engagement, preserving the human connection while improving processes. The approach not only showcases the arm's benefits but also positions technology as a supportive ally in healthcare.

Takeda - redefining IBD patient portal

Collaborating with Takeda, we transformed the IBD narrative to engage a younger audience and foster community connections. Through a fresh brand identity and a unique patient portal launch, to create a patient platform that offers something unique and truly valuable, resonating with authenticity and empowering lives affected by IBD.

Pfizer - bringing relevant stories to patients

In collaboration with Pfizer, we embarked on a transformative journey to reshape healthcare storytelling for both consumers and health professionals. Our focus was on humanizing narratives, employing evocative videos and photographs from diverse societal facets. The revamped website elegantly merges modern design with Pfizer's brand essence, offering stories that resonate deeply, enhanced by poignant, emotion-driven imagery.

BD - crafting the story of automated microbiology

In collaboration with BD, we embraced a departure from conventional medical device marketing by introducing emotionally authentic storytelling. This innovative approach not only heightened brand awareness but also set new industry standards for imaginative communication, transforming feature-driven communication into emotional storytelling.